Habit #1

Plan out tomorrow the night before

The Why

Have you ever woken up in the morning with an aimless attitude toward the day ahead? I get that feeling more days than not. Don’t get me wrong, on days where special occasions or non-routine events are taking place, I usually have a well-thought out plan for the day. But I am talking about the routine days, the mundane days, uneventful days, the boring days. Many times it’s the days that all look the same that we find ourselves drifting the most from where we want to be. And this drift can be so sneaky, because it happens in such small increments that we barely see it unfold. Which is why I want to incorporate this habit right off the bat. It is my hope that taking time to plan out the upcoming day, no matter how routine, will keep me accountable to make more conscious decisions and not always “go with the flow.”

The How

To help insure this habit will stick for at least the next 2 weeks, I taped an index card on our bathroom mirror to remind me as I’m getting ready for bed to take this time (about 5 to 10 minutes) and write down my goals just for the upcoming day and then a short list of things that will help me accomplish those goals. It may result in a simple to-do list, but at least I will be able to go to bed confident that I will start the next day with a clear objective and hopefully live it to the fullest.

Stay tuned for my habit analysis on January 14th!

Author: 26habityear

Think of this as an alternative to the New Year's Resolution. 26 habit year is a year-long adventure I'm embarking on to discover more effective ways to implement positive habit change in my life. I hope you will follow me in this journey and hopefully be inspired to pursue a better "you" this year as well.

5 thoughts on “Habit #1”

  1. I like this approach to “resolutions” .. I made one this year and this was after reading today’s Upper Room Devotional. That one resolution for me is to “make better use of my time”. This habit dovetails nicely with this. I look forward to the update ..


    1. Thanks Bob! I agree with you on the dovetailing of the 2 habits. I am already seeing an increase in my time efficiency with Habit #1. Those few minutes invested in planning the next day really do help me narrow my focus and become less distracted by the unimportant details of life.


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